A Multifaceted Root
1. Ancient Pharmacopoeia
Used across the world for thousands of years, licorice is featured in the tombs of ancient Egyptians up to 3,000 years old and on Assyrian tablets reference licorice as medicine from the second or third millennia b.c. China and Eastern Asia licorice has been used for at least 2,000 years and is included in Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic [4].
In Chinese medicine it is used in many prescriptions and considered to synergize with and enhance the effects of other herbs. [5]
In modern times it is studied for a range range of positive health effects from heart disease to skin issues. [6]
There are potential risks (high blood pressure, potassium imbalance, and related issues) of taking too much licorice in highly concentrated forms long term. [7] It’s not recommended as a regular part of diet while pregnant. [8]
2. Digestive Support
Licorice is used by many to support gastrointestinal health – specifically for ulcers, gastrointenstinal reflux and related symptoms. It has been studied clinically and shown effective against a placebo [9].
3. Cough, cold, throat and lungs
Licorice is a popular ingredient in cold and throat lozenges and teas [10]
4. Anti-Viral
Licorice is recommended both topically and internally as an antiviral [11. Licorice’s glycyrrhiczic acid (GA) has been shown to kill cells with a type of herpes virus [12] and is research and used regularly in Japan to treat chronic hepatitis C patients. [14]
5. Liver Support
Hepatitis C is a liver based disease combated by licorice, but licorice has also been studied as a protective in fatty liver disease and overall liver health. [15]
6. Menopause and Premenstrual Symptoms
Licorice lowers estrogen levels and raises progesterone levels through it’s action as an enzyme inhibitor. It’s phytoestrogenic activity can modulate estrogen in the body, which can reduce PMS symptoms.
It can also support PMS symptoms in other ways through it’s binding with aldosterone receptors and reducing the hormone’s impact.
It supports the adrenal system and can support those with stress related PMS symptoms. [16, 17]
It has been studied clinically for reducing the effects of hot flashes. [18]
7. Skin Health
Licorice extract is applied topically to help improve skin rashes and canker sores and eczema [19,20,21].